Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting

August 19, 2021
ASCO Staff

¿Es seguro el CBD para las personas con cáncer?


El cannabidiol (CBD) se ha convertido en una palabra de moda dentro de la comunidad oncológica. Pero, aunque algunas personas con cáncer han descubierto que el CBD es útil para el manejo de los efectos secundarios, las investigaciones aún no respaldan el uso del CBD para el tratamiento del cáncer. Descubra aquí qué es el CBD, cómo se está estudiando en personas con cáncer y si es seguro, eficaz y legal.

September 22, 2020
ASCO Staff

Is CBD Safe for People With Cancer?


Cannabidiol (CBD) has become a buzzword within the cancer community. But while some people with cancer have found CBD to be helpful in managing side effects, research does not yet support CBD’s use for cancer treatment. Here, find out what CBD is, how it is being studied in people with cancer, and whether it is safe, effective, and legal.



Dehydration happens when a person does not take in enough fluid or loses too much fluid. Your cells and organs depend on water. Without it, the human body cannot function properly. The water in your body performs many tasks:

  • Transports nutrients and oxygen

  • Controls heart rate and blood pressure

  • Regulates body temperature

  • Lubricates joints

  • Protects organs and tissue, including the eyes, ears, and heart

  • Creates saliva

  • Removes waste and toxins

What to Expect When Having Chemotherapy

It is normal to feel worried or overwhelmed when you find out that you need chemotherapy. However, learning more about this type of cancer treatment may help you feel more prepared and less anxious. The information in this article can help you get ready for your first treatment.

Who is on my chemotherapy team?

A highly trained medical team will work together to give you the best possible care. Your team may include these health care professionals:


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