
Cómo afrontar la ira

Es normal sentirse enfadado tras un diagnóstico de cáncer. El sentimiento puede aparecer cuando se detecta el cáncer o desarrollarse en cualquier momento durante el tratamiento y la supervivencia.

Es posible que se sienta enfadado por lo siguiente:

  • La dificultad y la incertidumbre de tener cáncer

  • Cómo el cáncer y el tratamiento han cambiado su rutina o estilo de vida

May 1, 2014

My Genetic Nemesis


Georgia Hurst, a Lynch syndrome advocate, describes from her personal experience the emotional and physical toll being diagnosed with a genetic condition that increases cancer risk can take.



Depression is a medical problem where feelings of sadness, distress, and other physical and emotional symptoms are long-lasting and interfere your day-to-day life. Other symptoms of depression can include a loss of interest in favorite activities, fatigue, and thinking and memory problems.

How to Cope With Anger

It is normal to feel angry after a cancer diagnosis. The feeling may come up when cancer is found, or develop any time during treatment and survivorship.

You may feel angry about:

  • The difficulty and uncertainty of having cancer

  • How cancer and treatment have changed your routine or lifestyle

  • What having cancer will mean for you and your family, including different types of losses cancer can bring

Coping with Guilt

Many people living with cancer experience guilt. Guilt is a feeling of blame and regret that is usually hard to accept and express. Guilt often leads people to replay "what if" and "if only" scenarios in their minds to figure out what they could have done differently.

People with cancer may feel guilt at various times for different reasons. For example, you may feel guilty because:

  • You could have noticed symptoms earlier or gone to the doctor sooner.

  • You worry that you are a burden to your family or caregivers.

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