
Marcar la diferencia

Las personas que han experimentado el cáncer de primera mano a menudo quieren apoyar a otras personas con cáncer mediante el voluntariado. Tanto si es un sobreviviente del cáncer como si cuida de alguien con cáncer, tiene una valiosa experiencia que puede ayudar a otros. Convertirse en voluntario puede marcar la diferencia en la vida de una persona. También puede impactar positivamente a su propia vida.

Being a Cancer Advocate

Cancer advocates work to help improve the lives of people with cancer. They do this in several ways:

  • Supporting those living with cancer

  • Raising awareness about cancer and related issues

  • Advancing cancer research

  • Improving the quality of cancer care

  • Addressing legislative and regulatory issues affecting cancer care and research

Making a Difference

People who have experienced cancer firsthand often want to support others with cancer by volunteering. Whether you are a cancer survivor or care for someone with cancer, you have valuable experience that can help others. Becoming a volunteer can make a difference in a person's life. It can also positively affect your own life.

Volunteering offers different rewards for everyone. Many volunteers say sharing their time makes them feel good. They also say it can help them build new friendships and widen their support network.


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