
Apoyo psicológico

Recibir apoyo psicológico implica trabajar con un profesional de la salud mental para afrontar los desafíos que surgen al recibir un diagnóstico de cáncer. El asesoramiento puede ayudarlo a comprender sus sentimientos y reacciones, y proporciona un lugar seguro para hablar sobre sus preocupaciones.

Los asesores no siempre pueden resolver sus problemas, pero pueden proporcionar un punto de vista útil y externo, y están formados para ayudarlo a sobrellevar situaciones difíciles.


Depression is a medical problem where feelings of sadness, distress, and other physical and emotional symptoms are long-lasting and interfere your day-to-day life. Other symptoms of depression can include a loss of interest in favorite activities, fatigue, and thinking and memory problems.


Counseling is working with a mental health professional to cope with the challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis. Counseling can help you understand your feelings and reactions, and it provides a safe place to talk about your worries.

A counselor cannot always solve your problems. But they can provide a helpful, outside viewpoint and they are trained to help you deal with difficult situations.

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