Spine cancer

Electrocardiograma (ECG) y ecocardiograma

Un electrocardiograma (ECG) y un ecocardiograma (ECO) son pruebas que ayudan a encontrar problemas en el músculo cardíaco, las válvulas, o el ritmo cardíaco. Es posible que necesite 1 o ambas pruebas antes de comenzar con algunos de los tratamientos para el cáncer, como determinada quimioterapia o trasplante de médula ósea o de células madre. Algunas personas pueden necesitar otras pruebas cardíacas, también.

Electrocardiogram (EKG) and Echocardiogram

An electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) and an echocardiogram (echo) are tests that help find problems with the heart muscle, valves, or rhythm. You may need 1 or both of these tests before starting some cancer treatments, like certain chemotherapy or a bone marrow/stem cell transplant. Some people may need other heart tests, too. They can include cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a cardiac stress test, or a multigated acquisition (MUGA) scan.

Nervous System Side Effects

Nervous system side effects are common from cancer and cancer treatments. Relieving such side effects is an important part of cancer care. This is called palliative care or supportive care. Talk with your health care team about any symptoms you experience, including any new symptoms or a change in symptoms.

About the nervous system

There are 2 main parts of the nervous system:

  • The central nervous system (CNS). This includes the brain and spinal cord.


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