
Encontrar un médico nuevo

En algún momento durante el tratamiento contra el cáncer o la atención de seguimiento, es posible que necesite buscar un médico nuevo. Hay muchas razones por las que puede necesitarlo. Por ejemplo, si su médico se jubila, si usted o su médico deben mudarse, si cambia su seguro de salud o si cree que usted y su equipo de atención médica no son compatibles.

Finding a New Doctor

At some point during your cancer treatment or follow-up care, you may need to search for a new doctor. There are many reasons why you may need a new doctor. For example, if your doctor retires, if you or your doctor needs to move, if your health insurance changes, or if you do not feel like you and your health care team are a good fit.

Contact Us

Thank you for visiting Cancer.Net, ASCO's patient information website. ASCO welcomes your comments and questions about Cancer.Net and its patient information program. Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about the site's content, technical support, and navigation assistance, as well as general contact information.

Please note that ASCO staff cannot answer personal medical questions, give treatment recommendations, or provide direct financial support. Please talk with your doctor about all individual cancer care decisions.

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