Surgical oncology

Buscar una segunda opinión

Cuando una persona se entera de que tiene cáncer, conocer el diagnóstico y tomar decisiones sobre el tratamiento puede ser difícil. Por ejemplo, puede haber varias opciones de tratamiento, y la investigación sobre el cáncer continúa explorando y descubriendo nuevos tratamientos y mejoras a los existentes. Por eso es importante encontrar expertos con experiencia en el tratamiento de su tipo de cáncer que le proporcionen información.

Reconstructive Surgery

Cancer treatment can cause damage to your body that affects how it works or looks. In order to repair this damage, you may need a type of surgery called reconstructive surgery.

Reconstructive surgery is different from cosmetic surgery. You may have cosmetic surgery to look better or feel better about your appearance, but it is not needed for medical reasons. Reconstructive surgery is done for medical reasons. This type of surgery is usually covered by insurance, for both large and small procedures. 

Seeking a Second Opinion

When you first learn you have cancer, learning about your diagnosis and making treatment decisions can be difficult. For instance, there may be several treatment options, and cancer research continues to explore and discover new treatments and treatment improvements. That is why it is important to find experts with experience treating your type of cancer to provide you with information. In order to decide on a cancer treatment plan you are comfortable with, you may want to consider getting a second medical opinion.

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