
December 7, 2023 Maria Cecilia Mathias, MD
In this “Cancer in My Community” post, Dr. Maria Cecilia Mathias describes what childhood experiences led her to caring for people with cancer, how challenges in Brazil can include access to new treatments, and resources available to help people with cancer in this country. Read More
December 5, 2023 Alexandra Vitale
Alexandra Vitale shares what it has been like living with von Hippel-Lindau disease since age 5, how she coped with receiving multiple cancer diagnoses, and how joining a clinical trial and trying a new treatment helped her find hope. Read More
November 30, 2023 William S. Laird
Cancer survivor William S. Laird shares what it was like being diagnosed with appendiceal cancer, how he navigated multiple cancer surgeries and recurrences, and how he’s learned to move forward while living with cancer indefinitely. Read More
November 28, 2023 ASCO Staff
Los programas de emparejamiento de ensayos clínicos ayudan a las personas con cáncer a encontrar estudios de investigación para los que podrían ser elegibles. Aquí puede obtener más información sobre los tipos de asistencia de búsqueda disponibles y cómo comentarlos con su equipo de atención de la salud. Read More
November 22, 2023 Lindi Campbell
Stage IV lung cancer survivor Lindi Campbell shares what it was like being diagnosed with advanced disease, how a new treatment has helped her live longer, and why she chose to dedicate her work toward ending the stigma around lung cancer. Read More
