Uterine Cancer: Latest Research

Aprobado por la Junta Editorial de Cancer.Net, 12/2022

ON THIS PAGE: You will read about scientific research being done to learn more about uterine cancer and how to treat it. Use the menu to see other pages.

Doctors are working to learn more about uterine cancer, ways to prevent it, how to best treat it, and how to provide the best care to people diagnosed with this disease. The following areas of research may include new options for patients through clinical trials. Always talk with your doctor about the best diagnostic and treatment options for you.

  • New types of targeted therapy. A major development in the treatment of endometrial cancer is an increasing understanding of tumor genomics. This area of science seeks to identify mutations in the tumor’s genes that might “drive” or cause the tumor to grow. Testing can be done on your tumor sample to look for these genetic mutations, and the results will help determine whether your treatment options include a type of treatment called targeted therapy (see Types of Treatment), which may be available in clinical trials. Many targeted treatments are being studied for the treatment of uterine cancer, including ridaforolimus and temsirolimus.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided radiation therapy. As described in Types of Treatment, MRI-guided radiation therapy combines MRI with a linear accelerator to deliver the radiation therapy with more accuracy and precision. This helps reduce the amount of healthy tissues exposed to radiation and focuses the treatment on the tumor and affected organs as much as possible. Systems to deliver this treatment are being studied.

  • Immunotherapy. Other research includes immunotherapy (see Types of Treatment), also called biologic therapy, which is designed to boost the body's natural defenses to fight the cancer. There is interest in a specific area of immunotherapy called “checkpoint inhibitors,” such as PD-1 or CTLA4 targeted immunotherapies. They help activate the immune system and can shrink tumors. Some of these immunotherapies work better in combination with other treatment types. There are many ongoing clinical trials examining different drugs and various combinations in uterine cancer.

  • Palliative and supportive care. Clinical trials are underway to find better ways of reducing symptoms and side effects of current uterine cancer treatments to improve comfort and quality of life for patients.

Patients are strongly encouraged to talk with their doctor about clinical trials when decisions are being made about their treatment options.

Looking for More About the Latest Research?

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