Sarcomas, Soft Tissue: Medical Illustrations

Aprobado por la Junta Editorial de Cancer.Net, 11/2023

ON THIS PAGE: You will find a drawing of the main body parts affected by sarcoma. Use the menu to see other pages.

This illustration shows areas in the body in which soft-tissue sarcomas are likely to occur. In the head and neck area, this includes the nasal cavity, which is the air filled cavity behind the nose; the nasopharynx, the air passageway at the upper part of the throat behind the nose; and the soft palate, at the back of the mouth just in front the nasopharynx. The illustration also highlights the skeleton, abdomen, and extremities (arms and legs). A sagittal cross-section of a male pelvis shows the peritoneum, the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and organs; the rectus abdominis muscle, which runs down the front of the abdomen; and the fatty tissue that covers the rectus abdominis muscle.

Copyright 2004 American Society of Clinical Oncology. Robert Morreale.

The next section in this guide is Risk Factors. It describes the factors that may increase the chance of developing sarcoma. Use the menu to choose a different section to read in this guide.