Bone marrow aspiration

Aspiración y biopsia de médula ósea

La médula ósea es el tejido adiposo esponjoso que se encuentra dentro de los huesos más grandes del cuerpo. Tiene partes líquidas y sólidas. La médula ósea produce estos tipos de células sanguíneas:

  • Los glóbulos rojos transportan oxígeno a todas las partes del cuerpo.

  • Los glóbulos blancos ayudan a combatir infecciones y enfermedades.

  • Las plaquetas ayudan a que la sangre coagule y a controlar el sangrado.

Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy

During cancer care, doctors may collect a sample of a patient's bone marrow to see how well these cells develop and work. This testing is called a bone marrow aspiration or a bone marrow biopsy. It can be done to diagnose some types of cancer, learn more about a diagnosis, or monitor cancer treatment.

Bone marrow is the spongy, fatty tissue inside your body's larger bones. It has liquid and solid parts.

Bone marrow makes these types of blood cells:

  • Red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of the body.

Leukemia - Acute Lymphoblastic - ALL - Childhood - Diagnosis

ON THIS PAGE: You will find a list of the common tests, procedures, and scans that doctors can use to find the cause of a medical problem. Use the menu to see other pages.

Doctors use many tests to find, or diagnose, leukemia. They also do tests to learn if cancer has spread to another part of the body from where it started. If the cancer has spread, it is called metastasis. Doctors may also do tests to learn which treatments could work best.

Mastocytosis - Diagnosis

ON THIS PAGE: You will find a list of common tests and procedures that doctors use to find the cause of a medical problem. Use the menu to see other pages.

Doctors use many tests to find, or diagnose, mastocytosis. Doctors may also do tests to learn which treatments could work best.

A biopsy is the only sure way for the doctor to know whether an area of the body has mastocytosis. In a biopsy, the doctor takes a small sample of tissue for testing in a laboratory. If a biopsy is not possible, the doctor may suggest other tests that will help make a diagnosis.

Leukemia - Chronic T-Cell Lymphocytic - Diagnosis

ON THIS PAGE: You will find a list of common tests, procedures, and scans that doctors use to find the cause of a medical problem. Use the menu to see other pages.

Doctors use many blood and bone marrow tests to diagnose leukemia. They also do tests to learn how much it may have spread. Doctors may also do tests to learn which treatments could work best.

A patient’s signs and symptoms may cause a doctor to suspect leukemia. But, blood and/or bone marrow tests are the only way to know whether a person has leukemia.

Leukemia - Chronic Lymphocytic - CLL - Diagnosis

ON THIS PAGE: You will find a list of common tests, procedures, and scans that doctors use to find the cause of a medical problem. Use the menu to see other pages.

Doctors use many tests to find, or diagnose, CLL. Doctors may also do tests to learn which treatments could work best. For CLL, it may be best to visit a hematologist-oncologist for diagnosis. A hematologist-oncologist is a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating blood cancers.

Leukemia - B-cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia and Hairy Cell Leukemia - Diagnosis

ON THIS PAGE: You will find a list of common tests, procedures, and scans that doctors use to find the cause of a medical problem. Use the menu to see other pages.

Doctors use many blood and bone marrow tests to diagnose HCL and PLL. They also use these tests to find out how much the disease has spread. Doctors may also do tests to learn which treatments could work best.

Your doctor may suspect that you have HCL or PLL based on your symptoms. Blood and bone marrow tests are the only sure way for the doctor to know if you have HCL or PLL.

Leukemia - Acute Lymphocytic - ALL - Diagnosis

ON THIS PAGE: You will find a list of common tests, procedures, and scans that doctors use to find the cause of a medical problem. Use the menu to see other pages.

Doctors use many tests to find, or diagnose, cancer. They also do tests to learn if cancer has spread to another part of the body from where it started. If this happens, it is called metastasis. For example, imaging tests can show if the cancer has spread. Imaging tests show pictures of the inside of the body. Doctors may also do tests to learn which treatments could work best.


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