Cancer prevention

6 Tips for #worldcancerday
February 2, 2015
Amber Bauer, ASCO staff

6 Healthy Living Tips for World Cancer Day


One out of three cancers could be prevented by eating a healthy diet, being physically active, and maintaining a healthy weight. Get advice on making positive life choices to decrease your cancer risk.

February 7, 2014
Amber Bauer, ASCO staff

Winter Skin Care Tips


The combination of cold weather, dry air, and cancer treatment can make skin itchy, dry, and cracked. Discover seven simple ways to keep your skin healthy and hydrated this winter.


Protecting Your Skin From the Sun

Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the leading cause of skin cancer. There are 2 types of UV radiation:

  • Ultraviolet A (UVA). UVA radiation can pass through glass. Research suggests that it may:

    • Cause premature aging and wrinkling of the skin

    • Play a role in causing basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma

  • Ultraviolet B (UVB). UVB does not pass through car windows or other types of glass. UVB radiation:

Managing the Fear of Side Effects Caused by Cancer Treatment

It is normal to be afraid of side effects when you start cancer treatment. You may have heard stories from family and friends who have had cancer about their experiences. You may have also seen movies or read about how difficult treatment can be. But it's important to remember that cancer treatment is different for everyone and there are many factors involved. And, your health care team now has more ways to prevent and relieve side effects than ever before.

Common worries include:


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