
December 4, 2014
Randy Hillard, MD

The Importance of Connecting With Other Patients Online


Connecting with others who know exactly what you are going through provides much-needed support for many people with cancer. Randy Hillard, MD, talks about how joining (and now administrating) an online group for people with stomach cancer offers so much more than support.

April 8, 2014
Amber Bauer, ASCO staff

Spotlight On: Oncology Social Workers – Part I, a Q&A


Oncology social workers provide support to patients, families, and caregivers who are dealing with cancer. Learn more about the role oncology social workers play in the cancer care team from Iris Cohen Fineberg, PhD, MSW, ACSW, OSW-C, and Penelope Damaskos, PhD, LCSW, OSW-C.

March 24, 2014
Amber Bauer, ASCO staff

Spotlight On: Physician Assistants – Part I, a Q&A


Physician assistants are integral members of the cancer care team and are committed to addressing a person's needs before, during, and after cancer treatment. Learn more about the role of PAs in this interview with two practicing professionals.


Other Mobile Applications

Mobile phones, or smartphones, give people with cancer, survivors, and caregivers a convenient way to access online health information and help manage your cancer care. Below is a list of mobile applications (“apps”) for you to download or visit on your mobile phone. Cancer.Net provides these links as a convenience to its visitors. This list is provided for informational purposes only.

Telephone and E-mail Cancer Helplines

When you need assistance or advice on cancer-related topics, many organizations will offer their expertise at no charge. This includes the American Society of Clinical Oncology, which offers a Patient Information Line. The following list includes other telephone and e-mail helpline services answered by oncology health professionals, trained counselors, or volunteers. These services offer general medical information.

Supporting a Friend Who Has Cancer

If one of your friends has cancer, you may be wondering the best way to support them. Even though you want to help, it may be hard to know what to say or do.

It is important to remember that there are no set rules, and every friendship is different. Be sure to think about your unique dynamic and let that guide you as you try to support your friend. Keep it simple. Remember that it is often the little things that mean the most.

How Cancer Affects Family Life

You may be worried about how your cancer diagnosis will affect your family and friends. A cancer diagnosis causes complex feelings and lifestyle changes that can be overwhelming for you and the people you are close to.

Understanding the potential changes in the way you relate to specific family members and friends may help you take steps to grow and maintain healthy, mutually supportive relationships during this challenging time.


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