
December 20, 2017
Amber Bauer, ASCO staff

El cáncer y las fiestas: respuestas a preguntas frecuentes


Las fiestas navideñas pueden ser estresantes en el mejor de los casos; por lo tanto, a menudo es un momento difícil del año para las personas y familias afectadas por el cáncer. Diane Blum, con una maestría en trabajo social (master of social work, MSW), responderá algunas preguntas frecuentes sobre cómo sobrellevar el cáncer durante las fiestas.

December 5, 2017
S. Gail Eckhardt, MD; Barbara Jones, PhD, MSW; Rebekkah Schear, MIA; and Nicholas Smith-Stanley

Beyond the Treatment Plan: 3 Things to Consider After a Cancer Diagnosis


A cancer diagnosis is stressful, and the discussion of the treatment plan starts quickly. But a cancer diagnosis affects everything and involves more than just the treatment plan. Here are 3 things to consider.


Caregiving at Home

Many people with cancer receive a large part of their care at home instead of in a hospital. This means that family members who live with or near them may need to take on several day-to-day medical and non-medical responsibilities.

Being a family caregiver is challenging. But it can also be rewarding. There are many different strategies and resources you can use to ensure the best quality of life possible for your loved one and you.


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