Colorectal cancer

Barium Enema

A barium enema is a type of x-ray that allows your doctor to see your colon and rectum. It is also called a colon x-ray or lower GI exam. Barium enemas can help diagnose changes to your large intestine, such as your colon and rectum.

What is Targeted Therapy?

Targeted therapy is a type of cancer treatment. It uses drugs to target specific genes and proteins that help cancer cells survive and grow. Targeted therapy can affect the tissue environment that cancer cells grow in or it can target cells related to cancer growth, like blood vessel cells.

What are Cancer Vaccines?

Vaccines are medicines that help the body fight disease. They can train the immune system to find and destroy harmful germs and cells. There are many vaccines that you receive throughout your life to prevent common illnesses. There are also vaccines for cancer. There are vaccines that prevent cancer and vaccines that treat cancer.

Other Mobile Applications

Mobile phones, or smartphones, give people with cancer, survivors, and caregivers a convenient way to access online health information and help manage your cancer care. Below is a list of mobile applications (“apps”) for you to download or visit on your mobile phone. Cancer.Net provides these links as a convenience to its visitors. This list is provided for informational purposes only.


A sigmoidoscopy is a test that looks at the rectum and lower part of the large intestine. "Colon" is the medical term for the large intestine, and the sigmoid colon is the lower part. The sigmoid colon ends in the rectum. Waste collects in the rectum and leaves your body when you have a bowel movement.

The drawing below shows the different parts of the colon and rectum.


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