
August 26, 2014
David Nethero

Mentally Mastering Chemotherapy


Colon cancer survivor David Nethero describes how he used meditation and positive mental imagery to cope with some of the physical side effects of chemotherapy and be present in the moment.


Managing School During and After Cancer

You might be able to continue going to school during your cancer treatment. Or you may need to take time off and go back later. Talk with your doctor about what to expect, including how often and how long you might miss school. This article can help you decide who else to talk to and how to manage school or an absence.

Talking with the school staff

Talking with the staff at your school is important to learn about your options. They should also be able to tell you about resources to help you keep up with your schoolwork or finish later.


Fatigue is a feeling of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion even after getting enough rest and sleep. Cancer and cancer treatment may cause fatigue. The medical term for this is "cancer-related fatigue."


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