
Your Stories: Conquering Cancer
May 18, 2020
Jimmy O’Hara, Conquer Cancer staff

Your Stories Podcast: Facing Cancer as a Young Adult


In this “Your Stories” podcast from Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundation, melanoma survivor Addison Brush talks with her oncologist, Dr. Jason Luke, about coping with cancer.

Conquer Cancer ® The ASCO Foundation; Your Stories: Behind the Breakthroughs;
March 28, 2019
Patra Wroten, Conquer Cancer staff

“Your Stories” Podcasts: Conquering Cancer as a Young Adult


Cancer can affect anyone, including young adults and teens. In these “Your Stories” podcasts from ASCO’s Conquer Cancer Foundation, two survivors tell their stories about when a diagnosis of cancer changed everything.


Melanoma - Survivorship

ON THIS PAGE: You will read about how to cope with challenges in everyday life after a cancer diagnosis. Use the menu to see other pages.

What is survivorship?

The word “survivorship” is complicated because it means different things to different people. Common definitions include:

  • Having no signs of cancer after finishing treatment.

  • Living with, through, and beyond cancer. According to this definition, cancer survivorship begins at diagnosis and continues during treatment and through the rest of a person's life.

April 21, 2015
Barbara Tako

Finding Your Super Spidey Cancer Powers


Barbara Tako is a breast cancer and melanoma survivor. Throughout her experiences, she has tried to turn the negatives of a cancer diagnosis into as many positives as possible—what she calls her “super spidey cancer powers.”


Panel de consulta

Los panelistas de consulta de Cancer.Net revisan el contenido como parte de la Junta editorial de Cancer.Net. Vea la lista a continuación de oncólogos clínicos, cirujanos, pediátricos y radiooncólogos; auxiliares médicos; personal de enfermería oncológica; trabajadores sociales y defensores de los derechos de los pacientes que componen este panel de consulta.

Panel consultivo del cáncer de mama de Cancer.Net

Deborah Axelrod, MD, FACS
New York University Medical Center

Pamela J. DiPiro, MD
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 


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