
Melanoma - Atención de seguimiento

EN ESTA PÁGINA: leerá acerca de su atención médica después de que el tratamiento contra el cáncer haya finalizado y por qué este tipo de atención de seguimiento es importante. Use el menú para ver otras páginas.

La atención de las personas que tienen un diagnóstico de melanoma no finaliza cuando ha terminado el tratamiento activo. Su equipo de atención médica seguirá verificando que el cáncer no haya regresado, manejará cualquier efecto secundario y monitoreará su salud general. Esto se denomina atención de seguimiento o vigilancia y monitoreo.

Oncology Briefs; Research from the ASCO Educational Book
August 9, 2017

Can Telehealth Make Patient Care Better?


The use of technology to deliver health care services can help patients who can’t visit their doctors in person. Known as “telehealth,” this way for doctors to communicate with patients has already helped improve the lives of patients with cancer.


Topic #3: Follow-up PET or PET-CT Scans to Watch for a Cancer Recurrence


Many different types of tests are used to help diagnose cancer, determine the cancer’s stage, monitor how well treatment is working, and watch for a cancer recurrence (return of the cancer). Imaging tests (or scans) are ways to create pictures of the organs and tissues inside the body. Different types of scans are often used at different points in a person’s cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.

Cervical Cancer - Follow-Up Care

ON THIS PAGE: You will read about your medical care after cancer treatment is completed and why this follow-up care is important. Use the menu to see other pages.

Care for people diagnosed with cervical cancer does not end when active treatment has finished. Your health care team will continue to check that the cancer has not come back, manage any side effects, and monitor your overall health. This is called follow-up care.

Melanoma - Follow-Up Care

ON THIS PAGE: You will read about your medical care after cancer treatment is completed and why this follow-up care is important. Use the menu to see other pages.

Care for people diagnosed with melanoma does not end when active treatment has finished. Your health care team will continue to check that the cancer has not come back, manage any side effects, and monitor your overall health. This is called follow-up care or surveillance and monitoring.

HIV/AIDS-Related Cancer - Follow-Up Care

ON THIS PAGE: You will read about your medical care after cancer treatment is completed and why this follow-up care is important. Use the menu to see other pages.

Care for people diagnosed with a cancer related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) does not end when active treatment has finished. Your health care team will continue to check that the cancer has not come back, manage any side effects, and monitor your overall health. This is called follow-up care.


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