Palliative care

Cáncer de tiroides - Síntomas y signos

EN ESTA PÁGINA: encontrará más información sobre los cambios y otras cosas que pueden indicar un problema que puede requerir atención médica. Use el menú para ver otras páginas.

Es frecuente que las personas con cáncer de tiroides presenten pocos o ningún síntoma o signo. Los síntomas son cambios que se sienten en el cuerpo. Los signos son cambios en algo que se mide, como la presión arterial o un análisis de laboratorio. Juntos, los signos y los síntomas pueden ayudar a describir un problema médico.

Lidia Schapira, MD, FASCO; 2015-2021 Cancer.Net Editor in Chief
March 2, 2017
Lidia Schapira, MD, FASCO

“Quality Care”: What Does It Mean?


The ASCO Quality Care Symposium starts today. But what does “quality care” mean? In this month’s From the Editor’s Desk, Dr. Schapira discusses what quality is and how it deeply connects everyone involved in the care of people with cancer.

September 20, 2016
Kavitha Ramchandran, MD, and Erika Tribett, MPH

Do You Know Everything You Can About Palliative Care?


We know that filling the gaps in knowledge about palliative care is important to delivering high-quality cancer care. Kavitha Ramchandran, MD, and Erika Tribett, MPH, have developed a massive open online course (MOOC) to help educate health care professionals and patients about palliative care.


Multiple Myeloma - Types of Treatment

ON THIS PAGE: You will learn about the different types of treatments doctors use to treat people with multiple myeloma. Use the menu to see other pages.

This section explains the types of treatments, also known as therapies, that are the standard of care for multiple myeloma. “Standard of care” means the best treatments known. Information in this section is based on medical standards of care for multiple myeloma in the United States. Treatment options can vary from one place to another.


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