
Financial Resources

The cost of cancer care may be a concern if you or a family member has been diagnosed with cancer. Because bills and debt can add up quickly, people may want to seek financial help soon after being diagnosed with cancer. Oncology social workers, case managers, doctors, and oncology nurses can help or provide referrals to support services and financial resources. Although coping with daily financial responsibilities may sometimes seem overwhelming, it is important not to let bills pile up and go unpaid.

Questions to Ask about Cost

Talking about your financial concerns with others can be difficult, especially if you are not sure what to say or what questions to ask. It is not always clear who you can talk to.

This article will help you decide who to talk to about your financial concerns and give you some questions to help you get the conversation started.

Who can I talk to about financial concerns?

The best place to start is having a conversation with your oncologist or other member of your health care team. Other people and groups who can help you find answers include:

Health Insurance

In the United States, insurance provides access to health care. Health insurance can help reduce the amount you need to pay for cancer care.

Most people get health insurance in 1 of 2 ways:

  • Through an employer

  • Through a government program. Government health insurance options include Medicare and Medicaid.

But some people do not receive health insurance at work. Others do not qualify for Medicare or Medicaid.

Organizing Your Medical Bills and Health Insurance Claims

Many people with cancer receive a large number of medical bills and health insurance claims because treatment often lasts weeks, months, or longer. Setting up a system for tracking bills and payments and filing financial documents can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Keep your system simple so it is easy to find paperwork when you need it. And, your system will work best when you organize individual bills and other paperwork on a timely basis as they come in.

Taking Vitamins, Herbal Products, and Other Dietary Supplements During Cancer

Many people take dietary supplements like vitamins or herbal products. People take supplements for different reasons, like wanting to improve health, get additional nutrition, boost the immune system, or treat side effects. These products are widely available for purchase without a prescription in the United States. But not all supplements are safe or effective, especially during cancer treatment.


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