Stage at diagnosis

Cáncer de tiroides - Estadios

EN ESTA PÁGINA: obtendrá información sobre cómo los médicos describen el crecimiento o la diseminación del cáncer. Esto se denomina “estadio”. Para ver otras páginas, use el menú.

¿Qué es la determinación del estadio del cáncer?

La determinación del estadio es una manera de describir dónde está ubicado el cáncer, si se ha diseminado o hacia dónde y si está afectando otras partes del cuerpo.

April 17, 2018
Sue Chang, MD, FCAP

Cancer Stage: 5 Important Reasons to Know Yours


Cancer staging describes the extent of a cancer’s growth or spread. Read about the new staging information recently released for many cancer types and why knowing your stage matters.


Topic #3: Follow-up PET or PET-CT Scans to Watch for a Cancer Recurrence


Many different types of tests are used to help diagnose cancer, determine the cancer’s stage, monitor how well treatment is working, and watch for a cancer recurrence (return of the cancer). Imaging tests (or scans) are ways to create pictures of the organs and tissues inside the body. Different types of scans are often used at different points in a person’s cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.


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