Survivor care

What Causes Cancer Pain and How it is Diagnosed

Pain is one of the most common symptoms or side effects that people with cancer experience. There are different causes and types of cancer pain. Pain can come from the cancer itself, cancer treatment, or other causes. But, nearly all cancer pain can be managed, with or without the use of medication. If you experience any pain during or after cancer treatment, tell your health care team.


Today, there are more than 18 million Americans alive with a history of cancer. Cancer.Net's survivorship section provides helpful information for cancer survivors and their friends and family.

Survivorship Resources

This section includes general resources for people to learn more about and provide support services for cancer survivorship. Each link provided here will take you to a separate, independent website.

General resources for cancer survivors

The American Institute for Cancer Research promotes research and education about nutrition and lifestyle. The AICR provides a library of resources to help cancer survivors advocate for their health.


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