Value of care

Health Insurance Policy: Helpful Hints from the Cancer.Net Blog
February 5, 2015
Amber Bauer, ASCO staff

10 Helpful Hints for Choosing a Health Insurance Plan


With open enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace set to end on February 15, 2015, get practical advice on how to make sure you receive the care you need at a cost you can afford.

July 29, 2014
Cat Snyder, ASCO staff

When You Need to Travel for Cancer Care


There are so many things to consider before a trip, but what about if you are traveling to receive cancer treatment? Here is some practical advice to help ease your mind and make the transition a bit easier.


Taking Charge of Your Care

You can be a self-advocate by taking an active role in your cancer care. This can be a positive experience that gives some people a sense of control in a time of uncertainty. Self-advocacy does not have to be time-consuming or difficult. It can be as easy as asking more questions at a doctor's appointment. It also does not mean that you alone are responsible for your cancer care. In fact, it commonly involves seeking additional support from others.


Counseling is working with a mental health professional to cope with the challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis. Counseling can help you understand your feelings and reactions, and it provides a safe place to talk about your worries.

A counselor cannot always solve your problems. But they can provide a helpful, outside viewpoint and they are trained to help you deal with difficult situations.


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