Eyelid Cancer: Latest Research

Approved by the Cancer.Net Editorial Board, 08/2015

ON THIS PAGE: You will read about the scientific research being done now to learn more about this type of cancer and how to treat it. To see other pages, use the menu on the side of your screen.

Doctors are working to learn more about eyelid cancer, ways to prevent it, how to best treat it, and how to provide the best care to people diagnosed with this disease. The following areas of research may include new options for patients through clinical trials. Always talk with your doctor about the diagnostic and treatment options best for you.

  • Advances in surgery. There have been significant improvements in surgical procedures to look for spread of a tumor from the periocular area (the area around the eye) to regional lymph nodes. Sentinel lymph node biopsy is one such technique in which the doctor removes one or a few lymph nodes near the tumor to check for cancer cells. You may want to talk with your doctor about the risks and benefits of this procedure.

  • Preventing and treating metastases. There have been numerous advances in the management of skin melanoma with a focus on drugs that may be helpful in preventing future spread. In addition, new combinations of chemotherapy for those with advanced or metastatic disease are also under investigation

  • Palliative care. Clinical trials are underway to find better ways of reducing symptoms and side effects of current eyelid cancer treatments in order to improve patients’ comfort and quality of life.

Looking for More About the Latest Research?

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