Patient care

Advisory Panel

Cancer.Net's advisory panelists review content as part of the Cancer.Net Editorial Board. View the list below of medical, surgical, radiation, and pediatric oncologists, physician assistants, oncology nurses, social workers, and patient advocates that make up this advisory panel. Click on the advisory panelists' names below to view individual COI disclosures.

Cancer.Net Breast Cancer Advisory Panelists

Deborah Axelrod, MD, FACS
New York University Medical Center

Pamela J. DiPiro, MD
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 

ASCO Answers Fact Sheets

ASCO Answers is a collection of oncologist-approved patient education materials developed by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) for people with cancer and their caregivers. This series of fact sheets provides a one-page (front and back) introduction to a specific type of cancer or cancer-related topic. Each PDF document includes an overview of the subject, words to know, and questions to ask the health care team.

Finding a New Doctor

At some point during your cancer treatment or follow-up care, you may need to search for a new doctor. There are many reasons why you may need a new doctor. For example, if your doctor retires, if you or your doctor needs to move, if your health insurance changes, or if you do not feel like you and your health care team are a good fit.


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