Brain cancer

Tumores pediátricos del sistema nervioso central - Factores de riesgo

EN ESTA PÁGINA: encontrará más información sobre los factores que aumentan la probabilidad de desarrollar un tumor del SNC pediátrico. Use el menú para ver otras páginas.

Un factor de riesgo es cualquier factor que aumenta la probabilidad de que una persona desarrolle un tumor. Si bien los factores de riesgo a menudo influyen en el desarrollo de un tumor, la mayoría no es una causa directa de su formación. Algunas personas que tienen varios factores de riesgo nunca desarrollan un tumor, mientras que sí lo hacen otras personas sin factores de riesgo conocidos.

Proton Therapy

Proton therapy is a type of radiation therapy that uses protons rather than x-rays. It painlessly delivers radiation to treat some types of cancer. Proton therapy is a promising new type of cancer treatment, but its possible benefit over traditional radiation therapy is still being studied. Research is ongoing in clinical trials to see how it compares.

In general, proton therapy has fewer side effects than other types of radiation therapy. This is because it can be targeted more directly at the tumor and does less damage to other tissue.


Almost everyone gets a headache from time to time. This happens when the muscles, nerves, and blood vessels in your head and neck become inflamed and cause pain.

When you have cancer, it is important to pay attention to your headaches. They can be a symptom of cancer itself or a side effect of your cancer treatments. Headaches can be painful and disruptive so it is important to talk to your health care team when they happen.

Stages of Cancer

Staging is a way to describe a cancer. The cancer's stage tells you where a cancer is located and its size, how far it has grown into nearby tissues, and if it has spread to nearby lymph nodes or other parts of the body. Before starting any cancer treatment, doctors may use physical exams, imaging scans, and other tests to determine a cancer's stage. Staging may not be completed until all the tests are finished.


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