

Una sigmoidoscopia es una prueba mediante la cual se observa el recto y la parte inferior del intestino grueso. “Colon” es el término médico que se usa para referirse al intestino grueso y el colon sigmoide es la parte inferior. El colon sigmoide termina en el recto. Los desechos se acumulan en el recto y salen del cuerpo cuando tiene una deposición.

En la ilustración a continuación, se muestran las diferentes partes del colon y el recto.


A sigmoidoscopy is a test that looks at the rectum and lower part of the large intestine. "Colon" is the medical term for the large intestine, and the sigmoid colon is the lower part. The sigmoid colon ends in the rectum. Waste collects in the rectum and leaves your body when you have a bowel movement.

The drawing below shows the different parts of the colon and rectum.

Clotting Problems

A blood clot is a serious condition that needs treatment right away. People with cancer and those receiving cancer treatment have an increased risk for blood clots.

Normal blood clotting, called coagulation, is a complex process. It involves specialized blood cells, called platelets, and different proteins in the blood, called clotting or coagulation factors. These platelets and coagulation factors clump together to heal broken blood vessels and control bleeding. Coagulation factors that promote bleeding and those that promote clotting must be balanced.

Bleeding Problems

Some kinds of cancer and cancer treatment can cause bleeding problems. Bleeding problems can also be caused by another condition that is not cancer. Cancer and cancer treatment can make existing bleeding problems worse. Bleeding problems can also affect the type of treatment you receive.

Normal blood clotting is called coagulation. It is a complex process that involves certain types of blood cells and proteins. The blood cells are small cells called platelets. The proteins involved in clotting are called clotting factors or coagulation factors.

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