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Mesothelioma - Statistics

ON THIS PAGE: You will find information about the estimated number of people who will be diagnosed with mesothelioma each year. You will also read general information on surviving the disease. Remember, survival rates depend on several factors, and no 2 people with cancer are the same. Use the menu to see other pages.

Mastocytosis - Statistics

ON THIS PAGE: You will find information about the estimated number of people who will be diagnosed with mastocytosis each year. Use the menu to see other pages.

Every person is different, with different factors influencing their risk of being diagnosed with this disorder and the chance of recovery after a diagnosis. It is important to talk with your doctor about any questions you have around the general statistics provided below and what they may mean for you individually. The original sources for these statistics are provided at the bottom of this page.

Head and Neck Cancer - Statistics

ON THIS PAGE: You will find information about the estimated number of people who will be diagnosed with head and neck cancer each year. You will also read general information on surviving these diseases. Remember, survival rates depend on several factors, and no 2 people with cancer are the same. Use the menu to see other pages.

Bladder Cancer - Statistics

ON THIS PAGE: You will find information about the estimated number of people who will be diagnosed with bladder cancer each year. You will also read general information on surviving the disease. Remember, survival rates depend on several factors, and no 2 people with cancer are the same. Use the menu to see other pages.

Amyloidosis - Statistics

ON THIS PAGE: You will find information about the estimated number of people who will be diagnosed with amyloidosis each year. You will also read general information on surviving the disease. Remember survival rates depend on several factors, and no 2 people are the same. Use the menu to see other pages.

Anal Cancer - Statistics

ON THIS PAGE: You will find information about the estimated number of people who will be diagnosed with anal cancer each year. You will also read general information on surviving the disease. Remember, survival rates depend on several factors, and no 2 people with cancer are the same. Use the menu to see other pages.

Eyelid Cancer - Statistics

ON THIS PAGE: You will find information about how common eyelid cancer is. You will also read general information on surviving the disease. Use the menu to see other pages.

Every person is different, with different factors influencing their risk of being diagnosed with this cancer and the chance of recovery after a diagnosis. It is important to talk with your doctor about any questions you have around the general statistics provided below and what they may mean for you individually. The original sources for these statistics are provided at the bottom of this page.


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